P. O. Box 953, Topanga CA 90290
Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault News and Updates December 2015 This slight reroute near the end of the trip will take you across the fault about 6 more times while adding 0.7 miles to the trip. And well worth it! Please let us know what you find on your trip and we'll post it here.
You can download this "News and Updates" as a PDF file by clicking here.
Chapter 1
Davis Road has been renamed Wister Road. I hate when that happens.
On Page 1 and then again on page 2, I mistakenly stated that the fault goes through Ventura County. It does not. (July 26, 2007) - Corrected in the 2nd printing.
Chapter 3
Page 21, typo in 3rd paragraph in right hand column, last sentence: replace "about 32 million times" with "about 32 billion times". (July 28, 2007 - Thanks to Don Nicholson) - Corrected in the 2nd printing.
Chapter 5
Page 41 typo: in paragraph beginning "Two good examples". "Trip 8" should read "Trip 9". (March 6, 2011 - Thanks to Roger Kobayashi).
Trip 1 Salton Trough
The mud pots and mud volcanoes at the corner of Davis and Schrimpf Roads (p. 62 & 64) are on private property. If you visit them, be respectful. Do NOT drive into the field, do NOT litter and do NOT touch the pots and volcanoes. If you see any trash, pick it up. (March 15, 2007)
Trip 2 San Gorgonio Pass
Page 85. Most of the road log for the White Water Canyon side trip was mistakenly omitted from the book. Click here to download a pdf of the road log. (Thanks to Virgil Talbott for drawing this error to my attention, March 7, 2011.)
Trip 3 San Gabriel Mountains
The latitude of the beginning of the side trip to Punchbowl Park at the junction of Pallett Creek Rd (not Pallet) and Longview Rd is at 34 27.420, not 34 37.420 as the route log says on p. 96. (March 26, 2007 - Thanks to Ben Bentkowski) - Corrected in the 2nd printing.
Gouge Trail Side Trip - The start of the trip is a small, awkward pullout on eastbound Big Pines Highway at (34 22.954 117 42.006 6567 ft). A better starting location - especially if several cars are involved - is the Appletree Campground parking area a short distance west (34 23.211 117 42.806). Park and proceed on foot east on a good graded road at the east end of the parking area just south of the paved road and walk about 1/4 mile to where an obvious bulldozed berm ends at a steep, deep drop off. Jog right (S) up and around the canyon and follow the foot path to the indicated GPS locations (p. 95). (May 12, 2007 - Thanks to Janet Gordon.)
Trip 6 Carrizo Plain
0.0 Jct. Elkhorn Rd and Simmler Soda Lake San Diego Crk Rd. (35 17.001 119 50.404 2275 ft). Continue NW on Elkhorn Rd.
0.9 0.9 Jct. Elkhorn Rd and unsigned Auberry Rd (35 17.616 119 50.963). Turn left (SW) on Auberry Rd and cross fault, then immediately swing right (W) on Arrowbear Trail."
1.2 0.3 Jct. Arrowbear Trail and Antler Rd. (35 17.575 119 51.238). Right (N) on Antler Rd. Ascend scarp/pressure ridge.
1.5 0.3 Jct. Antler Rd and Annapolis Trail (35 17.787 119 51.240). Fault 50 ft NE. Turn left (W) on Annapolis Trail and descend scarp almost to the bottom.
1.6 0.1 Jct. Annapolis Trail and unnamed road (35 17.791 119 51.371). Ascend scarp and cross fault.
1.9 0.3 Jct. unnamed road and unsigned Airlight Trail (35 18.005 119 51.374). Turn left (W) on Airlight Trail, immediately cross fault then descend scarp."
2.1 0.2 Jct. unsigned Airlight Trail and Alma Rd (35 18.010 119 51.510). Turn right (N) on Alma Rd. Ascend scarp and cross fault in shallow valley extending NW-SE that shows enhanced vegetation.
2.6 0.5 Jct. Alma Rd and Belmont Trail (35 18.433 119 51.504). Left (W) on Belmont Trail. Cross fault near Amber Rd. Nice view of valley along scarp to NW where fault crosses 7 Mile Rd near utility sheds 1/2 mile NW.
3.1 0.5 Jct. Belmont Trail and 7 Mile Rd (35 18.439 119 52.183). Hard right (NE) on 7 Mile Rd (pavement begins). Cross fault along NE base of scarp near utility sheds.
3.7 0.6 Jct. 7 Mile Rd and Alhambra Rd. Turn left (NW) on dirt Alhambra Rd (35 18.836 119 51.717) then immediately swing left (W) on Avery Trail and ascend scarp.
4.1 0.4 Jct. Avery Trail and unsigned Albany Rd (35 18.879 119.52.225). Fault 50-100 ft west. Turn right (N) on Albany Rd.
4.2 0.1 Jct. Albany Rd and unsigned Bagby Trail (35. 119. Turn left (W) on Bagby Trail then take next right (N) on Baker Rd. Take Baker Rd. north to CA-58.
4.7 0.5 Jct. Baker Rd and CA-58 (35 19.319 119 52.288). Pavement begins. Turn left (W) on CA-58 and rejoin route near mile 46.9 on the mail route (mile 47.1 on the alternate route) just before CA-58 swings hard right (NW).
(July 17, 2007)