P. O. Box 953, Topanga CA 90290

Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault
ISBN 978-1-941384-08-4     LCCN 2014042150

See and touch the world's most famous fault on one of twelve easy day trips between Cape Mendocino and the Mexican Border. The book includes mile-by-mile road logs, GPS coordinates for hundreds of fault features and accurate fault coordinates (± 50 ft). Many of the annotated routes have side trips to seldom visited locales. There are complete geologic explanations and a glossary. The day trips are relaxing and uncrowded, perfect for family getaways. And the scenery is spectacular. Here's a chance to get up close and personal with the San Andreas Fault. No 4WD needed. Full color, 212 pages, 140 figures and photographs. Also available on CD. Book: $49.95 + shipping and postage. CD or thumb drive (The entire book as a 105 Mb PDF file) $25.95 + shipping and postage.  Download order form (PDF)

Back cover showing the location of the San Andreas Fault and the day trips.

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