P. O. Box 953, Topanga CA 90290 david(*)alumni.caltech.edu
Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault
"David Lynch provides more information about visiting this famous fault than anyone ever has before. This book is now the gold standard for visiting the San Andreas."
Read Andrew Alden's complete review.
Read the article. "This is one of the highest quality publications on the San Andreas Fault that I have seen. The most important part of Dr. Lynch's book is the mile-by-mile annotated road log which contains hundreds of GPS coordinates. It includes over 200 illustrations, some of which are unparalled in their educational value."
Read Hobart King's complete review.
"Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault is especially recommended for its highly detailed maps and directions. For anyone seeking to experience the San Andreas Fault in all its majesty, Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault is a 'must'."
Read John Taylor's' complete review.
"Designed for fearless road warriors driving even a basic car, [Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault] puts you in charge. This travel companion is filled with colorful illustrations, a glossary, and one-day itineraries (complete with precise GPS coordinates). The delightful, entertaining guide is the perfect gift, ideal for family outings. Lynch makes learning fun, and turns travel into a learning experience."
Read Debbie Stock's complete review.
"I highly recommend [Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault] for anyone who wants a better understanding of earthquakes...or who would just like a guide to the back-roads of California... It's a heck of a road-trip."
Read Lee Rhoads' complete review.
"Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault....should have been called a fun guide because it is lively reading filled with geological terms that a layman can understand. Every mile of the fault is mapped with GPS coordinates and notes, as well as insights explaining every formation and rock type. Call it the original drive-by geology book, fast and easy to read."
Read Al Haskvitz's complete review. What field users have said: "I ended up driving 250 miles mostly along the SAF starting at the Salton Sea and ending at Wallace Creek. I must admit that I did skip over a few sections in order to end up at Wallace Creek on my last available day, and I had no problem re-establishing myself on the route. The side trips were interesting and well worth the time. I found the book easy enough to use, very informative and useful as a guidebook. Thanks for doing a great job. I'd recommend it to anybody."
Ben Bentkowski, Supervising Geologist, Brown and Caldwell
"...your book approached perfection... [and] ...is responsible for a great adventure."
Chet Rich, Florida
"Trip 1 was outstanding! I spent so much time at the mud volcanos and Thousand Palms that it was dark before I got to Desert Hot Springs. No worry - I'll finish in the morning. I'm doing Trip 2 tomorrow, and I've already done Trip 3. I'm planning on working my way up to Daily City before thanksgiving. What a great book! I was up till 3am the day it arrived and I'm not a geologist or even particularly interested in geology (until now that is). Thank goodness for the Interactive Map because the features are on such a mammoth scale that it helps to have that "eye in the sky" image in mind when you see them. So thanks for your efforts - it must have been a huge effort to write it, but it is hugely enjoyable to us 'civilians'."
Carl Fischer, Los AngelesHome Books Presentations Research Pictures David K. Lynch